
Club News

Online Membership

Hi All,

We are going well with the online membership but there are a couple of things that seem to catch people out.

  • A photo that you can be recognised from needs to be on your profile. If you get this wrong it can only be changed by BAA. Send a new picture with Name and membership number to
  • You need to save your card into the system. If you do not do this the payment will not complete.
  • You need a valid email (with data space) and email ticked for communication. If you do not do this you will not receive the gate codes or rules.
  • You need to carefully check your address before starting a membership. Any ID card will be sent to the address given (if there if a photo on the profile).

Below are some useful links:

How do I add a membership for a child or another member?

Set up and manage additional member profiles